RSIM Bug Report #16

Version of RSIM1.0
Bug number16
Bug class4
Reported byinternal
AffectsPrograms using long long data types

Problem Description

The multiplication routines fnUMUL and fnSMUL in were incorrectly coded to typecast the input parameters to INT32 instead of INT64. As a result, an intermediate multiply was being computed using 32-bit arithmetic and truncation. This caused programs that use long long (64-bit integer) data types to see incorrect values in the upper word of the 64-bit datum.

Suggested work-around

The fnUMUL and fnSMUL in must be changed to replace any internal INT32 or UINT32 data types to INT64 or UINT64, respectively. The full code for these functions is provided below:

void fnUMUL(instance *inst, state *) { UINT64 destval; if (inst->code->aux1) { destval=UINT64(inst->rs1vali) * UINT64(inst->code->imm); } else { destval=UINT64(inst->rs1vali) * UINT64(inst->rs2vali); } inst->rdvali = destval; /* WRITE ALL 64 bits when supported... */ inst->rccvali = (destval >> 32); /* Y reg gets 32 MSBs */ } void fnSMUL(instance *inst, state *) { INT64 destval; if (inst->code->aux1) { destval=INT64(inst->rs1vali) * INT64(inst->code->imm); } else { destval=INT64(inst->rs1vali) * INT64(inst->rs2vali); } inst->rdvali = destval; /* WRITE ALL 64 bits when supported... */ inst->rccvali = (UINT64(destval) >> 32); /* Y reg gets 32 MSBs */ }