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Exception handling


RSIM supports precise exceptionsgif by prohibiting instructions from committing their effects into the processor architectural state until the point of graduation. Excepting instructions are recognized at the time of graduation.

RSIM supports the following categories of exceptions: division by zero, floating point errors, segmentation faults, bus errors, system traps, window traps, soft exceptions, serializing instructions, privileged instructions, illegal or unsupported instructions, and illegal program counter value. RSIM simply emulates the effects of most of the trap handlers; a few of the trap handlers actually have their instructions simulated, and are indicated below. (Soft exceptions are handled entirely in the hardware and do not have any associated trap handler.)

A division by zero exception is triggered only on integer division by zero. Floating point exceptions can arise from illegal operands, such as attempts to take the square root of a negative number or to perform certain comparisons of an ``NaN'' with a number. Both of these exception types are non-recoverable.

Segmentation faults are currently split into two types. The first type is a fault that occurs whenever a processor wishes to grow its stack beyond its current limits. For this trap, pages are added to the stack to accommodate stack growth, and execution recovers from the point of the excepting instruction. In the second type of fault, the processor attempts to access a page of memory that has not been allocated and is not within the limits of the stack. This type of exception is nonrecoverable.

A bus error occurs whenever a memory access is not aligned according to its length. Generally, these exceptions are nonrecoverable. However, the SPARC architecture allows double-precision floating-point loads and stores to be aligned only to a word boundary, rather than to a double-word boundarygif. RSIM currently traps these accesses and emulates their behavior. However, the cache accesses for these instructions are not simulated.

System traps are used to emulate the behavior of operating system calls in RSIM. The system traps supported are listed in Section 5.2 and serve several important functions, such as I/O, memory allocation, and process management. Additionally, some system traps are specific to RSIM and serve roles such as statistics collection or explicitly associating a home node to a region of shared memory. Some operating system calls are currently not supported; consequently, functions using these system calls (such as strftime and signal) cannot currently be used in applications to be simulated with RSIM. The RSIM simulator trap convention does not currently match the system trap convention of Solaris or any other operating system; however, a library is provided with RSIM to insure that the correct system traps are invoked for each supported function, as described in Section 5.2. The system trap handler restarts program execution at the instruction after the excepting instruction.

A window trap occurs when the call-depth of a window-save chain exceeds the maximum allowed by RSIM (called an overflow), forcing an old window to be saved to the stack to make room for the new window, or when a RESTORE operation allows a previously saved window to once again receive a register window (called an underflow) [23]. The instructions used in the window trap handler are actually simulated by the RSIM processor, rather than merely having their effects emulated. The window trap handler returns control to the excepting instruction. The number of register windows is configurable, and can range from 4 to 32 (in all cases, 1 window is reserved for the system). The effect of window traps is not likely to significantly affect the performance of scientific codes written in C; however, code written in a functional language such as Scheme or an object-oriented language such as C++ may experience some performance degradation from window traps.

Soft exceptions are distinguished from other exception types in that even a regular system would not need to trap to any operating system code to handle these exceptions; the exception is handled entirely in hardware. The active list is flushed, and execution restarts at the excepting instruction. These are used for recovering from loads incorrectly issued past stores with unknown addresses or from consistency violations caused by speculative load execution (as described in Section 3.2.3).

RSIM uses traps (referred to as serialization traps in the code) to implement certain instructions that either modify system-wide status registers (e.g. LDFSR, STFSR) or are outdated instructions with data-paths that are too complex for a processor with the aggressive features simulated in RSIM (e.g. MULScc). This can lead to significant performance degradation in code that uses old libraries, many of which internally use MULScc. The trap handler for the STFSR instruction is actually simulated, rather than merely emulated. The LDFSR instruction is slightly different in that it does not have a trap handler, but functions more like a soft exception. Specifically, the function of the trap on this instruction is to prevent later instructions from committing their values computed with an old floating-point status. Thus, the trap for LDFSR can be thought of as a soft-exception that does not retry the excepting instruction.

Privileged instructions include instructions that are valid only in system supervisor mode, and lead to an exception if present in user code. Illegal instruction traps are invalid instruction encodings and some instructions unsupported by RSIM (i.e. tcc, flush, flushw, and tagged addition and subtraction)gif An illegal program counter value exception occurs whenever a control transfer instruction makes the program counter invalid for the instruction address region (e.g. out of range or unaligned program counters). These three exception types are all non-recoverable.

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Vijay Sadananda Pai
Thu Aug 7 14:18:56 CDT 1997