Current funding
This research is supported in part by a gift from Intel,
the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CCF
05-41383, CNS 07-20743, and CCF 08-11693, a gift from Texas Instruments,
the Gigascale Systems Research Center (funded under FCRP, an SRC
program), an OpenSPARC Center of Excellence at Illinois supported by Sun
Microsystems, the Intel/Microsoft Universal Parallel Computing Research
Center, and the University of Illinois. Sarita V. Adve was also
supported by an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, Pradeep Ramachandran is supported by an
Intel PhD fellowship and an IBM PhD scholarship, and Xin Fu by NSF
Computing Innovation fellowship.
Earlier funding
This research is/was supported in part by an
equipment donation from AMD, a gift from Motorola,
the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CCR 00-96126, EIA
01-03645, CCR 02-09198, CCR 02-05638, EIA 02-24453, CCR 03-13286, a gift
from Texas Instruments, the Gigascale Systems Research Center (funded
under FCRP, an SRC program), the Intel/Microsoft Universal Parallel
Computing Research Center, and the University of Illinois. Sarita V.
Adve was also supported by an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, Chris
Hughes and Ruchira Sasanka by Intel graduate fellowships, and Jayanth
Srinivasan by an IBM graduate fellowship.